Big Park Rates & Fees
The Big Park Domestic Wastewater Improvement District is a taxing authority and has authority to collect fees pursuant to A.R.S. Title 48, Fees are charged to the property owner and run with the land. Liens may be filed for past due accounts. If you are buying or selling property within the boundaries of the District, it is important to confirm with your title company that all District fees have been reported and collected. Click here to view the District Ordinance. For more information contact the District Clerk, Jennifer Bartos.
At an annual public hearing, the Board of Directors adopts a budget of estimated projected revenues and expenses for the coming fiscal year and sets rates to cover the expenses. These hearings are typically held on the third Wednesday in May or June at the Fire Station located at 125 Slide Rock in the Village of Oak Creek
and the public is invited to attend. Please contact the District Office for more information or to confirm the hearing date(s): (928) 443-9484 or in Arizona toll-free (800) 659-7149. Please contact Diana King, District Administrator regarding payments and account information.
Jennifer Bartos, District Clerk
Big Park Domestic Wastewater Improvement District
3603 Crossings Drive, Prescott, AZ 86305
User Fee $1.52 per ERU, per day. Example: 3 bedroom or less residential property is $137.00 per quarter
Disconnected Delinquent Properties Fee $1.52 per ERU, per day
Capacity Fee $5,800.00 per ERU
Main Line Upgrade Fee $850.00 per ERU
Lateral Fee $1,500.00 per lateral (Fairway Oaks/Chaparral Project only)
Permit Fee Residential $325.00 per application
Permit Fee Commercial $625.00 per application
Activation/Transfer Fee Residential $150.00 per account activation/transfer (sale of property)
Activation/Transfer Fee Commercial $175.00 per account activation/transfer (sale of property)
Minimum Fee (Commercial/Disconnected) $137.00 per account/suite, per quarter
Grease Trap/Interceptor Permit $675.00 per application for new or modified food service
Restaurant Grease Trap Penalty $150.00 per month
Engineering Consultation Fee $185.00 per hour
Special Event Fee $100.00 per day, per event
Duplicate Billing $7.50 per bill
Copies $0.25 per page for black and white, $0.60 per page for color
NSF (Returned Payment Fee) $40.00 per transaction for any type of payment not successfully completed
Ad Valorem Tax $0.00
Collections Fees:
Past Due Notice $25.00 per account (delinquent accounts will show a 'past due' stamp on bill)
Lien Notice $180.00 plus postage (sent prior to a lien)
Second Lien Notice $35.00 per notice, plus postage (sent when first notice is returned)
Lien $225.00 per account, plus recording fees and includes lien release when account paid in full
Bill Reprint or Account History Printout $1.25 per page
Copies $0.60 per page
Historic Research $65.00 per hour, one hour minimum
Ownership Research $95.00 per parcel (occurs when there is no notification of ownership transfer)
Limited Title Search $400.00 per parcel
Title Search & County Notification $20.00 per notification
Hand-Delivery of Shut-Off Notice $50.00
Sewer Service Disconnect $500.00 + actual cost of disconnection/blockage and re-connection